Most organs in the body and is protected by a layer of cells or specific membrane Mesothel. The Mesothel contains two layers of cells: an immediate surroundings, and the other a thick layer to the previous one. This membrane is a secret liquid lubricant between the two layers, so that the institutions themselves without any problems and against neighbors (such as the expansion and contraction of the lungs, the heart of the so ..)
Depending on the situation in the body, Mesothel different names. Mésothéliales substance, most of the organs in the abdominal peritoneum. The membrane surrounding the lungs and chest wall of the pleural cavity. The heart and through the tissue called pericardium.
Mesothelioma, cancer of the Mesothel is a disease in which abnormal cells divide and Mesothel much, and without order, the development of tumors. Tumor cells mésothéliales may be benign (not cancerous cells) or malignant (cancer). Since most tumors are cancerous cells mésothéliales, malignant mesothelioma is often referred to simply as mesothelioma. You can damage tissues and organs as well. The metastatic cancer cells can also hand of parents in other parts of the body.
Malignant mesothelioma affect the mucous membranes or a few large body cavities. These caves, grottos Leimohr called by some organs of the body including the heart, lung, stomach and others.
Malignant mesothelioma in three ways:
• peritoneal mesothelioma in the peritoneum or membrane surrounding the abdomen.
• Pericardial mesothelioma: pericardium, or the lining that surrounds the nucleus.
• pleural mesothelioma is the form of malignant mesothelioma and affects the lining of the lung cavity.
Most cases of malignant mesothelioma with an exhibition against the mineral fiber structure, which asbestos is the most important. Asbestos is a mineral that is naturally stronger, more flexible fibers can be separated in the spinning and weaving fine. Asbestos has been used in many industrial products including cement, brake linings, roof tiles, coatings, textiles, and insulation. Especially during the production, which is inhaled or ingested with ease in the manufacture of asbestos dust and small particles that are floating in the air.
The period between exposure and the development of mesothelioma is typically 35-40 years. In general, people who developed mesothelioma asbestos over a longer period, but with some people who have a short exposures mesothelioma. Moreover, not all workers who are highly vulnerable to developing mesothelioma.
Before the 1970s, large quantities of asbestos in the construction and shipbuilding. After the public health risks of asbestos is known for the production of asbestos has been drastically in the 1970s. The state has restrictions on its use and other materials are available. Despite these changes, asbestos is still used.
The professions which deal with asbestos and usually with the onset of mesothelioma later in life with the manufacture of asbestos insulation, heating capacities of shipyards and construction.